The human body constitutes of amino acids that are responsible for the creation of protein. Protein is responsible for forming muscle mass while simultaneously reducing body fat. Majority of the bodybuilders consume an excessive amount of protein in their diets due to its various health benefits.
When the consumption of protein is combined with physical activities, it can result in the development of lean muscles. This, in turn, increases the resting metabolism weight. Thus the individual’s calories will naturally burn without physical exercise.
This is, indeed, an ideal case for students who are unable to take out time for exercise due to their strict academic schedules.
Furthermore, foods constituting of protein hold the tendency of being more fulfilling. With this in mind, individuals who desire to lose weight can have a high intake of protein in their diets. As a result, less amount of food will be taken until the hunger will be satisfied.
In addition to this, protein is also responsible for strengthening and repairing the connective tissues. Following from this, individuals with large amounts of protein in their diets have the ability to heal much quicker in contrast to those who lack protein in their nutrition.
Due to its vast benefits and influence on one’s overall health, it is essential for students to intake ample amount of protein in their day to day life. As protein can be found in a myriad of foods, individuals or students appertaining to the vegan lifestyle can also benefit from its use. Some of the foods comprising of protein are:
Seafood is one of the finest sources of attaining protein. Majority of the fish comprise of less than 2% fat. Thus it can assist in weight loss while maintaining a healthy body.
Furthermore, as fish contains a low percentage of fat, it can also assist in reducing one’s high cholesterol levels. As a result, consuming a diet of seafood, thrice in a week, can help an individual reduce their cholesterol levels and prevent other related diseases. Additionally, seafood comprises of multiple vitamins as well as minerals such as iodine, zinc, potassium, and phosphorus, which play a major role in contributing to a healthy body.
Consumption of seafood is especially important for university students, as the stress of academic projects often lead to binge eating items that hold a high percentage of fat. As satisfying as it is at the time, this can raise one’s level of cholesterol which, when combined with anxiety and stress, can result in various heart diseases.
Moreover, seafood also consists of polyunsaturated fat known as Omega-3, which is essential for a healthy body. However, the human body is unable to manufacture omega-3 on its own. Thus it is critical to increasing the intake of seafood in one’s diet.
White meat:
White meat is referred to as the meat gained from chicken, turkey or fish. In contrast to dark meat, white meat has a low percentage of fat and a high fraction of protein. As dark meat is responsible for raising the levels of cholesterol, white meat is known for performing the opposite function. However, white meat should only be eaten after the removal of bones and skin as the skin comprises of saturated fats. For university students, taking a diet comprising of white meat is essential as it is not only easily and readily available, but also a healthy option.
Dairy products:
Dairy products such as eggs, milk, yogurt, and cheese also provide protein to the human body. These food items also consist of vitamins and calcium that is essential for various body functions. For most university students, dairy is the healthiest yet most economic means of gaining protein. As these products are expediently available in the supermarket, students do not have to go through the hassle of traveling far to attain these products. As students have busy schedules, dairy products are the most convenient source of protein for them, as they can be consumed without requiring much effort.
Various nuts such as almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, and sunflower seeds hold a high amount of protein. Essentially, these are readily available in the supermarket. For vegans, the consumption of nuts can provide them with an ample amount of protein that can assist them with their daily functioning. For students, almonds, in particular, can provide additional benefits. As almonds deliver a large amount of energy, students can take their classes, work part-time, engage in proficient thesis writing projects, and find the drive to engage in a healthy exercise routine. Furthermore, almonds also contribute to improving one’s memory. Thus students can increase their intake of almonds when studying for their exams.
Quinoa is one of the super foods that contribute largely to a healthy form. Quinoa is a seed that is currently among the world’s healthiest foods. These seeds are free from gluten, consist of high levels of protein as well as all nine amino acids. As a result, quinoa is considered a “super food”. In the recent years, the benefits of quinoa have come to light, and consequently, it has become a food trend which is expedient for university students, as finding foods that consist of these seeds along with searching for these seeds is relatively easy.
Lentils are edible seeds from the legume groups. These seeds are often found in Asian and North African dishes. However, they are now freely available all over the UK. Lentils are inexpensive yet extremely nutritious. Apart from being enriched with high levels of proteins, lentils also comprise of essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. As they are high in fiber, lentils can also assist in digestive functions such as supporting regular bowel movements.For vegan students, lentils can be a great alternative for meat as they deliver similar results. Although lentils require cooking before consumptions, they don’t require much time and effort to be cooked. As a result, students can add them to their daily diet.
The Bottom Line:
The importance of protein cannot be stressed enough, thus increasing its intake can prove itself to be useful when dealing with the stressful lifestyle of higher degree education. For youthful individuals, maintaining a healthy diet at a young age will demonstrate its rewards in the later stages of life.